Hajnalban itteni ido szerint 0640kor megerkeztunk Kathmanduba, a vicces az volt, hogy a Qatar Air repulon magyar volt a kapitany(Hegedus Laszlo), sajna nem lehetett bemenni, mert szigoruak… Itt mar javaban monszun van, sokszor csopog, rendes paras meleg van, a fergeteg eleg erdekes, minden percben riksaval, taxival akarnak elvinni, valami el akarnak adni. Nem tudtam mivel kezdjek Foto? Video? Hangfelvetel? vegul a foto es a hangfelvetel mellett dontottem! Most ebed utan, mar eleg almosan, hiszen gyakorlatilag mostmar napok ota alig alszom, az idoeltolodas itt +3.75ora az otthonihoz kepest. Holnap reggel 6kor keles irany a repter es Lhasa.
We have arrived to Kathmandu this morning at 0640, it was kind of funny to find that our captain at Qatar Airw. was a Hungarian guy, unfortunately no cockpit visit was possible…
Monsoon is all here, it is raining pretty often, humidity is very high. All the chaos, and the locals are quite interesting, every minute they want to take you with a riksaw or cab, or just want to sell you something. For some time I had no idea what to start with video? photo? or record the ambience? Finally I decided to take pictures and make some ambience recordings. Now it is just after lunch, I very sleepy, since there was almost no sleep in the last few days. Time difference is 5.75h+GMT. Tomorrow at 6 wake-up then direct to the airport to catch the flight to Lhasa.
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